100 Years of Children's Services at KFPL

Explore the Library Shelves, 1918-style

The Introduction of Children's Story Hour in 1918

In 1918, Chief Librarian Aimee Kennedy introduced a children's story hour, and it has been continued ever since. That autumn, the first World War was finally coming to an end. The library and schools had been closed due to an outbreak of influenza, and the re-opening was a time for celebration.

2 November 1918 Daily British Whig
16 November 1918 Daily British Whig

Travel Back in Time and Explore the Library Shelves, 1918-style

What kinds of books were children enjoying in 1918? A newspaper clipping from 1918 (above on the right) includes some familiar titles and authors — and some who are no longer well-known.

Click on the covers below to explore some of the books from the newspaper clipping. Please keep in mind that some stories, attitudes and words that were appropriate in 1918 — even in books for children — may not be acceptable to contemporary readers.