Story Me

Stories and More from the People of Kingston and Frontenac County

I can just imagine my great-grandfather saying: 'We are NOT going to take the mockingbird.' But they did!

Interview with Lindsay Morgan

January 30, 2013

Lindsay Morgan talks to Sarah Balint about the 1889 diary of her great-grandmother, Mary Andrews Lockie.

The diary chronicled the family's three-month journey by covered wagon from Tallahassee in Florida to Wolfe Island.

An illustration from Lindsay Morgan's great-grandmother's diary, 1889
A portrait of Lindsay Morgan's great-grandfather, James Smart Lockie, born 1841.

Illustrated more recently by Lindsay's daughter Sarah Balint, the diary describes how the family ran aground three times in the Wolfe Island Canal. She also shows a portrait of her great-grandfather, James Smart Lockie, born 1841.

Listen to Lindsay talk about her great-grandmother's diary and about her great-grandfather's portrait.